недеља, 6. април 2014.

Life is sometimes grey, sometimes yellow

Do you know the situations when you think that you would donate your kidney for someone. Well, I would do it, but it would not be useful. Seven years ago, in one of the regular phone conversations with my sister (we do not live in the same city) she told me: "Sale suffers from leukemia". It sounded as if she was saying: "It is going to rain tomorrow". Then it came the moment in life when everything stopped for a second and it seemed to you that the planet did not move, and you were vfloating in the space and there was not anything you can hold to.

I was terrified and it seems to me that I the same feeling lasted for another seven years. Sale, my older nephew, who is now 26 years old, suffered from the most diffucult form of leukemia. After almost two years of struggle the only way for him to survive was the transplantation of the bone marrow, which was conducted in Rome four years ago. We have never talked about it a lot, but Sale told me once: "The people around me were dying, and I survived thanks to my head". Six months ago the illness returned. Sale is now in Rome and the new struggle for life is ahead of him. The therapy is underway, the treatment comes next, and then if nothing is effective the new transplantation of the bone marrow will be conducted.
I was born when my parents were in their old age, and my mother got my sister and brother in her young age, so I grew up in a very unusual family. Unusual only when it is judged by the merits of the usual social norms. As the great writer Dusko Radovic used to say"Those who are capable of loving, should not do anything else".  This was the case with my sister and brother, and the latter is, unfortunately, not with us anymore. When Sale survived thanks to, as he said, "his own head", it was only because of the endless love of his dearest ones. But, today, their love is not enough. 
The Institute for Health Insurance of Serbia aproved the costs of the new treatment in Rome because it is the only place when the treatment can be conducted, but it implies only the payment of the hospital stay.
The long and hard struggle is ahead of him and I believe that he will win it. My sister is accompanying Sale because such a hard illness requires someone to follow a patient. The problem is that the stay in Rome requires extremely high costs of living. The seven years of struggle with this disease has exhausted all of members of the family, both emotionally and financially, and they need help. For instance, only to switch on the TV in the hospital room requires 150 euros, let alone the costs of transport, food and the other medicines. 

Those who know that I am a journalist would surely ask me why I do not turn to someone for help directly when I know different kinds of people? I do not do it for two reasons. First, because I would never misuse my job, and, second reason is that I would never want to put either someone else or myself in an embarrassing situation if someone can not or, simply, does not want to help.
I am aware of the fact that nowadays life in Serbia is not at all easy to anyone, but I also know that perhaps we can not change the circumstances but we can by our deeds makes the world a better place. I am trying my best every day to do it.
And, as I have said in the beginning, I would donate my kidney, but it would not be useful. The only thing I can do is to kindly ask you to help if you can, and if you can not or do not want to do it due to any reason to go and hug the person you love, hug this person tight and do not let him or her for a loooong time.

You can pay the money into the account of Sale's father western union:

Petar Grujin 

Novi Sad

субота, 15. март 2014.

Život je nekad siv, nekad žut

Znate one situacije kada pomislite kako bi za nekog dali bubreg, e pa ja bih dala ali ne bi vredelo. Pre sedam godina, u jednom od redovnih telefonskih razgovora sa sestrom (ne živimo u istom gradu ) ona mi je rekla: "Sale ima leukemiju".  Zvučalo je kao da izgovara rečenicu: "Sutra će kiša". Onda je naišao onaj trenutak u životu kada na sekund staje sve i čini vam se da se planete ne pomera a vi lebdite u svemiru i nemate za šta da se uhvatite.
Prepala sam se i čini mi se da je tako proteklo narednih sedam godina. Sale moj stariji sestrić koji danas ima 26 godina oboleo je od najtežeg oblika leukemije. Nakon skoro dve godine borbe jedini način da preživi bila je transplatacija koštane srži koja je obavljena u Rimu pre četiri godine. Nikada nismo puno pričali o tome ali mi je Sale samo jednom prilikom rekao: "Pored mene su umirali a ja sam preživeo zahvaljujući svojoj glavi". Pre šest meseci bolest se vratila. Danas je Sale u Rimu i čeka ga nova borba za život. U toku je terapija, sledi lečenje a onda ako ništa ne uspe nova transplatacija koštane srži.

Mene su moji roditelji dobili kasno a sestru i brata moja mama je rodila rano, i tako sam ja odrasla u jednoj neobičnoj porodici. Neobičnoj samo po merilima uobičajenih društvenih normi. Baš kao što je govorio veliki Duško Radović, oni koji znaju da vole ništa ne bi trebali drugo da rade. Tako je bilo sa mojom sestrom i bratom kojeg dana nažalost više nema. Kada je Sale preživeo zahvaljujući kako je rekao "svojoj glavi", bilo je to samo zbog bezgranične ljubavi onih najbližih. Ali danas ta ljubav nije dovoljna.  

Republički zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje odobrio je troškove novog lečenja u Rimu jer samo tamo može da se obavi lečenje ali to znači samo plaćanje bolničkih dana u bolnici. 
Predstoji duga i teška borba i ja verujem da će je on dobiti. Uz Saleta je i moja sestra jer ova težina bolesti zahteva pratioca. Problem je što sam boravak u Rimu zahteva velike troškove života.  Sedam godina borbe sa ovom bolešću iscrpio je sve u porodici i emotivno i finansijski i potrebna im je pomoć. Samo da bi uključio televizor u bolničkoj sobi potrebno je da se plati 150 evra o troškovima prevoza, hrane i ostalih lekova da ne govorimo.

Oni koji znaju da sam novinar sigurno bi me pitali zašto se nekom ne obratim direktno za pomoć kada poznajem različite ljude? Iz dva razloga. Prvi je zato što nikada ne bi zloupotrebila svoj posao, a drugi razlog je taj zato što nikada ne bih želela da dovedem ni druge a ni sebe u neprijatnu situaciju ukoliko neko ne može ili jednostavno ne želi da pomogne.

Svesna sam da danas život u Srbiji nikome nije nimalo lak ali isto tako znam možda ne možemo da promenimo okolnosti ali možemo svojim postupcima da učinimo svet boljim. Ja se trudim svakog dana onoliko koliko je u mojoj moći.
I kao što rekoh na početku, dala bih bubreg ali ne bi vredelo. Preostaje mi jedino da vas zamolim da pomognete ako možete ili ukoliko ne želite iz bilo kojeg razloga odete do onog koga volite, zagrlite ga jako i dugoooo ne ispuštate iz zagrljaja.

 Novac možete uplatiti na ime Saletovog oca.

Petar Grujin 
Raiffesien banka
